Natural asphalt is an asphalt substance formed in nature by petroleum in the earth's crust after billions of years of crustal movement. Depending on its forming environment, natural asphalt is classified into lake asphalt, rock asphalt, and seabed asphalt.
Distribution of Major Natural Asphalt Producing Areas in the World (Figure)
Natural asphalt used in asphalt mixture has the following characteristics
· High molecular weight, high viscosity, and thick asphalt film; capable of improving the durability (fatigue resistance) of asphalt pavement;
· Containing numerous heteroatom functional groups, capable of enhancing the adhesiveness between aggregate and asphalt, and reducing moisture damage on pavement;
· Stable properties, low content of light components, aging resistance, and able to extend the service life of pavement;
· Low content of volatile substances and small air pollution;
· High softening point, capable of improving the high-temperature stability of pavement and preventing rutting;
· Recyclable, compared with SBS and other polymer modified asphalt hard to recycle;
· Containing inorganic substances (mainly mineral components), easy to separate and precipitate; ash subsidence separation;
· Natural asphalt of different batches and from different producing areas differs in quality, such as asphalt content.
Factory stabilized natural asphalt provided by ZHONGLI
· Finished asphalt, which is no longer added on site as additive, but directly used as asphalt binder;
· Natural modified asphalt for long-term storage and long-distance transportation;
· Factory production, with unified technical indicators for products, to solve the quality difference between natural asphalt raw materials;
· Our product standards have been incorporated into the industrial standards of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China and the group standards of China Highway & Transportation Society;
· Solving the inorganic segregation problem in natural asphalt, fully exploit the technical characteristics of natural asphalt, and improve the rutting resistance, moisture damage resistance of pavement.