Case 3: Application of HMB on Urban Trunk Roads to Reduce Traffic Congestion Costs

【Project Name】: Xi'an Kunming Road Expressway

【Asphalt】: HMB-W

【Climatic characteristics】: Xi'an lies in the warm temperate zone with semi-humid continental monsoon climate, featuring four distinct seasons, hot and rainy summer, cold winter with rare rain or snow, and annual average temperature 13.1–13.4°C. The average monthly maximum temperature in summer is 32°C, and the average monthly minimum temperature in winter is -4°C.

【Traffic characteristics】: The urban trunk roads connects the second and third ring roads of Xi'an and sees heavy daily traffic.

【Pavement structure】: BBME0/10+ EME0/14

【Requirements on road performance 】: HMB can resist rutting in summer and low-temperature cracking in winter.

【Mixture type 】:

EME0/14 and BBME0/10 Performance Test Results for Kunming Road

Application of HMB in urban trunk roads is a good demonstration for improving the comprehensive performance of roads, reducing early diseases, and lowering the traffic congestion costs from road maintenance.

  • 上一篇:Case 2: Application of HMB in Qinghai Tibet Plateau
  • 下一篇:暂无
  • Telephone: 086-400-0680-998 
    Fax: 086-029-62960090

    Company address: Floor 25, Block A, Fortune Center, No.180, West Section of Second Ring South Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province

    Copyright © Xi'an ZHONGLI Asphalt Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 陕ICP备19019525号-3